Sound Therapy Sessions

Health for the Mind and the Body through Sound

Sound Therapy is a very gentle, yet powerful modality to treat the body and the mind and restore inner balance and health.

It works with the nervous system, the tissues and the more subtle energies of the body. It is deeply relaxing and restoring and it can offer long-term benefits.

The nervous system is our interface with the outside world, an incredibly sophisticated and wonderful instrument that deserves good tuning as often as possible!

One-on-One Sound Therapy Sessions

Sound Therapy provides a beautiful and nurturing way of helping you to feel more whole, centred and at peace. After your session, your body will remember what true, deep relaxation is and your nervous system will be nourished and invigorated.


Sound Therapy is particularly indicated for:

  • Burnout and Stress management
  • Accompanying spiritual processes and life changes
  • Recovering from physical trauma

It can also help with a variety of issues such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Exhaustion
  • Hypersensitive nervous system
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • Physical and mental tension
  • Headaches
  • Pain caused by physical trauma
  • Insomnia or low-quality sleep
  • Joints problems
  • Cramps
  • Digestive problems
Besides being a deeply effective form of treatment itself, Sound Therapy can also be a powerful support to integrate other healing modalities such as physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic and psychotherapy. Sound’s ability to interact with the more subtle structures of our beings can assist the shifting of stuck energies at many levels.

Sound Healing is very ancient. We have been using the power of sound to change mental and physical states from time immemorial.

Listen To Sound Healing Recordings

In-person individual sessions are currently available in the area of Staufen im Breisgau, Germany.

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What is Sound Therapy?

Ultimately, Sound Therapy is the art of using acoustic vibration to help the body restore its innate state of coherent balance.

Sound Healing is based on two basic concepts: Vibration and Entrainment.


“Everything is vibration”.

Surely this is a statement we are all familiar with and it refers to the fact that solid matter does not exist as such. Our senses perceive a high density of molecules as something solid. But at the core of each atom (that form the elements that things are made of) is a number of spinning electrons. Deeper down in the scale of magnitude, it is not even possible to say exactly how things are “moving” as “probability” seems to be rule. Everything is in constant movement, therefore vibrating, as vibration is the measurement of movement in time.


In the context of Sound Therapy, entrainment is a term that denotes the synchronization of an organism to an external rhythm, given enough proximity and time of exposure. Practical examples of entrainment can be found in the way music influences our heartbeat and respiratory rates or simply in the way we start tapping our hand or foot to the external beat of a piece of music.

The phenomenon is more complex than that of course, but we can simplify the concept by thinking that Nature tends to save energy. Entrainment occurs because two systems that are not synchronized (i.e. out of phase or pulsing at different paces) exchange small amounts of energy. The amount of energy exchanged in this negative feedback relationship is progressively decreased as the two organisms assume a more similar pace and it is reduced to zero when they finally synchronize.


The key word here is rhythm. Every process in life is a rhythmical one: the heartbeat and breathing are rhythmical, the cycles of day and night and the seasons are rhythmical. If the universe itself is expanding as it is said, at some point it may reverse its motion ans start contracting. Different rhythms on different scales.

Vibration and Entrainment play together in sound healing. Given that all the molecules and atoms in our bodies are vibrating at all times we can expose the internal oscillation of energies in our bodies to an external oscillation that will influence the internal vibration.

The human body/mind system has often been compared to an orchestra. Think of how many parts we are made of and imagine that each part has its own sound. After all, sound is a vibration too. We call sound all the vibration that occur within the range that our ears are capable of hearing and processing. But all the vibrations outside of that range are also sounds, even if we cannot hear them. So our body is made of all these different sounding parts and they all need to be in tune with each other, much like the instruments and players of an orchestra. If one section of the orchestra is playing out of tune then the music is disharmonious. Even if only one player is out of tune this will make it difficult for the musicians around to play correctly because they will be led astray by the disharmonious sound. In the same way, if one part of our body is not vibrating in harmony with all the others then the overall music emanating from our bodies will be disharmonious.

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