by Simone Vitale | Aug 7, 2019 | Sound Therapy
We often think of trauma as an event in our lives as in “a traumatic event”. However, it is useful to think of trauma not as an event but rather as a response. It is a way of responding to a challenging event with all its long term consequences. “Trauma is not...
by Simone Vitale | Jun 3, 2018 | Philosophy of Sound, Sound Therapy
Before playing any composition, musicians tune their instruments carefully because they know that such a precise process ensures a high quality of music. Human tuning The human body is the ultimate musical instrument, life is the music. Our thoughts, emotions,...
by Simone Vitale | Feb 7, 2018 | Philosophy of Sound, Sound Therapy
The best answer to this question would probably come from a priest or shaman from an ancient civilisation where sound was used as a gateway to altered states of mind. But would we be able to understand their explanation if it does not come in the form of a scientific...
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